How to Calibrate Your Monitor in Windows 10

Calibrating your monitor is essential to ensure the colors and brightness you see on the screen are accurate. This is particularly important for tasks like photo editing, gaming, or graphic design. In this guide, we’ll show you how to calibrate your monitor in Windows 10 using simple steps.

Why Monitor Calibration is Important

Accurate Color Representation

When your monitor is properly calibrated, the colors displayed on the screen match the actual colors of the images. This is crucial for designers and photographers who need precise color accuracy.

Better Viewing Experience

Calibrating your monitor can improve your overall viewing experience. It helps reduce eye strain and makes it easier to distinguish between different shades and details in images and videos.

Preparing for Calibration

Clean Your Monitor

Before you start, make sure your monitor is clean. Dust and smudges can affect the display quality. I once started calibrating my monitor, only to realize that a smudge was distorting the colors in one corner. A quick wipe made a huge difference!

Warm Up Your Monitor

Turn on your monitor for at least 30 minutes before calibrating. This allows it to reach its normal operating temperature. I usually make a cup of tea and check my emails while waiting for my monitor to warm up.

Reset Display Settings

It’s a good idea to reset your monitor to its default settings. This can usually be done through the monitor’s on-screen display (OSD) menu.

Steps to Calibrate Your Monitor in Windows 10

Step 1: Open Display Calibration Tool

Windows 10 includes a built-in display calibration tool called “Display Color Calibration.” To access it:

  1. Click the Start button and type “Calibrate display color.”
  2. Select the Calibrate display color option from the search results.

Step 2: Follow the Calibration Wizard

The Display Color Calibration tool will guide you through a series of steps to adjust various settings. Here’s what you’ll need to do:

Adjust Gamma

Gamma controls the brightness of the midtones. The wizard will show you an example of what the correct gamma should look like. Use the slider to adjust the gamma until it matches the example. When I first used this tool, I was surprised at how much difference a small adjustment could make.

Adjust Brightness and Contrast

You’ll need to adjust the brightness and contrast settings on your monitor. The wizard will provide images to help you determine the correct settings. I remember thinking my brightness was fine until I saw the test images; it made a big difference!

Adjust Color Balance

Color balance ensures that your monitor displays colors accurately. The wizard will display color bars that you need to adjust using the sliders to remove any color casts.

Step 3: Compare Your Adjustments

Once you’ve completed the adjustments, the tool will allow you to compare your calibrated settings with the previous ones. If you’re satisfied with the changes, click Finish to apply the new calibration.

Tips for Better Calibration

Use a Calibration Device

For the most accurate results, consider using a hardware calibration device like a colorimeter. These devices measure your monitor’s colors and adjust the settings more precisely than the built-in tool. I borrowed a colorimeter from a friend once, and the difference was remarkable – everything looked so much more vivid and accurate.

Regular Calibration

Monitors can change over time, so it’s a good idea to calibrate your monitor regularly. Experts recommend doing this every few months to maintain color accuracy. I set a reminder on my phone to do this every three months, and it’s been a game-changer.

Ambient Light

The lighting in your room can affect how colors appear on your monitor. Try to calibrate your monitor in the lighting conditions you’ll be using it in most often. I usually calibrate mine in the evening, when the lighting is consistent with when I do most of my work.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why is my monitor’s color still off after calibration?

If your monitor’s color is still off after calibration, it could be due to outdated or incompatible drivers. Make sure your graphics card drivers are up to date. Additionally, check the monitor’s connections and ensure there are no hardware issues.

How often should I calibrate my monitor?

It’s recommended to calibrate your monitor every few months. However, if you notice significant color changes or if you use your monitor for color-critical work, more frequent calibration may be necessary.

Can I use third-party software for calibration?

Yes, there are several third-party software options available for monitor calibration, such as DisplayCAL and CalMAN. These tools can offer more advanced features and customization options compared to the built-in Windows tool.

Do I need a hardware calibration device?

While the built-in Windows tool can provide decent results, a hardware calibration device like a colorimeter will offer the most accurate calibration. These devices measure the colors displayed by your monitor and adjust the settings more precisely.


Calibrating your monitor in Windows 10 is a straightforward process that can greatly improve your viewing experience and ensure color accuracy. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can make sure your monitor displays colors correctly, making your work and entertainment more enjoyable. Remember to calibrate regularly and consider using a hardware calibration device for the best results.

If you’ve tried these steps and noticed a significant difference, share your experience in the comments! Have any other tips for monitor calibration? Let us know – we’d love to hear from you.

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